Russian cosmonauts Oleg Artemyev and Sergei Prokopyev will be both wearing modern Orlan-MKS space suits during the next spacewalk on the International Space Station (ISS) scheduled for August 15, the Roscosmos state space corporation said Tuesday in a statement.
MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 14th August, 2018) Russian cosmonauts Oleg Artemyev and Sergei Prokopyev will be both wearing modern Orlan-MKS space suits during the next spacewalk on the International Space Station (ISS) scheduled for August 15, the Roscosmos state space corporation said Tuesday in a statement.
"Oleg Artemyev and Sergei Prokopyev will go beyond the orbital station in Orlan-MKS spacesuits of the new generation," the statement reads.
Prokopyev arrived at the ISS in early June. Artemyev has been on the ISS since late March.
The last spacewalk performed by Russian cosmonauts took place on February 2, when Anton Shkaplerov and Alexander Misurkin spent 8 hours and 13 minutes outside the ISS.