The most powerful geomagnetic storm seen in almost two years that has begun on Tuesday morning caused by the solar activity, chief scientist of the Laboratory of Solar X-ray Astronomy of the Lebedev Physical Institute Sergey Bogachev told Sputnik
MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 14th May, 2019) The most powerful geomagnetic storm seen in almost two years that has begun on Tuesday morning caused by the solar activity, chief scientist of the Laboratory of Solar X-ray Astronomy of the Lebedev Physical Institute Sergey Bogachev told Sputnik.The storm began on Tuesday around 6 a.m. Moscow time (3 AM GMT) and is expected to last through the evening, as this kind of event usually lasts up to ten hours. Normalization of the Earth's magnetic field is expected by the early hours of Wednesday.
"In comparison with the events of recent years, this is a major event. Over the past year and a half or two, this is the severest magnetic storm, an impressive event. This event forms aurora, creates interference in radio communications," Bogachev said.
According to the scientist, the geomagnetic storm can affect meteosensitive people.