Arabic is most popular language of Arab Region. It is also termed
as Second Most Popular Language globally i.e. after English.
Arabic is mostly used language for News and Media in Arab
region. It is also most popular language of all 50 Muslims
countries as majority of Muslims living across globe understands
and read Arabic. As compared to other parts of the globe, Arab
region could not witness much advancement of electronic and
press media. Thus Social Media filled the vacuum, and in last
couple of years, emerged as most popular source for providing
News content in Arab Region.
Pakistan Point Arabic News section
is the most popular and the only Pakistani platform which is
approaching millions of Arabs and other nationals and providing
them Arabic News, Top stories and other rich content in Arabic
Language. Arabic News Section is hugely popular in Saudi Arabia,
United Arab Emirate, remaining Gulf and Middle East Region.
From Local to National and International, Arabic News Section
covers all the Latest News, Important News, Exclusive News,
Sports News, Arts and Entertainment News and more from Gulf,
Middle East and remaining Arab Region.