Russian Defense Ministry Determined To Complete Afghan Evacuations - Minister

Russian Defense Ministry Determined to Complete Afghan Evacuations - Minister

The evacuation of Russian and Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) citizens from Afghanistan will be carried out in full by the Russian Defense Ministry, Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Saturday

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 28th August, 2021) The evacuation of Russian and Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) citizens from Afghanistan will be carried out in full by the Russian Defense Ministry, Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Saturday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the defense ministry to start evacuating Russians, Ukrainians and CSTO citizens form Afghanistan on August 25. Four evacuation flights were carries out the next day. Russian Ambassador in Kabul Dmitriy Zhirnov said on Friday that new evacuation lists are being formed and 170 people have already registered to be flown out.

"I hope that [the evacuation operation] will end well ... We will fulfill our task," Shoigu told the SolovyovLive show on YouTube.

According to the minister, Putin has ordered to "ensure that Russia can evacuate all its citizens and citizens of CSTO member states and others everyone who needs it."