Court Did Not Prohibit Serebrennikov From Taking Executive Positions In Theater

Court Did Not Prohibit Serebrennikov From Taking Executive Positions in Theater

A Moscow court banned Aleksei Malobrodsky and Yuri Itin, defendants in the Seventh Studio case, from taking executive positions in theater, but this does not relate to director Kirill Serebrennikov

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 26th June, 2020) A Moscow court banned Aleksei Malobrodsky and Yuri Itin, defendants in the Seventh Studio case, from taking executive positions in theater, but this does not relate to director Kirill Serebrennikov.

"To deprive convicts of the right to occupy posts related to the exercise of administrative and organizational powers," judge Olesya Mendeleeva said, announcing the verdict.

Itin and Malobrodsky faced three- and two-year bans, respectively, in line with the lengths of their suspended sentences. The court, however, did not impose such a ban on Serebrennikov.