Canada's Coronavirus Tally Grows To 77,306, Deaths Surpass 5,800 - Health Agency

Canada's Coronavirus Tally Grows to 77,306, Deaths Surpass 5,800 - Health Agency

The number of Canadians who have contracted the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) grew by 3,477 over the weekend to 77,306, Public Health Agency data revealed on Monday

TORONTO (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 18th May, 2020) The number of Canadians who have contracted the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) grew by 3,477 over the weekend to 77,306, Public Health Agency data revealed on Monday.

The virus-related death toll grew to 5,805, the data also showed.

The province of Quebec remains the epicenter of the outbreak in Canada, accounting for more than half of all confirmed cases - 42,920 - and 3,562 deaths.

The province of Ontario trails with 22,957 confirmed cases and 1,904 COVID-19-related fatalities.

To date, 1,312,613 Canadians have been tested for the deadly disease with nearly 6 percent testing positive.

The World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus outbreak a pandemic on March 11. As of Monday, in excess 4.7 million people have been infected with the virus worldwide, of which more than 315,000 have died, according data compiled by the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center.