Nine Laboratories In Moscow To Conduct Around 10,000 COVID-19 Tests Daily - Mayor

Nine Laboratories in Moscow to Conduct Around 10,000 COVID-19 Tests Daily - Mayor

Five laboratories in Moscow will start testing people for coronavirus on Friday, and within a week their number will grow to nine, with around 10,000 tests expected to be carried out daily, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 20th March, 2020) Five laboratories in Moscow will start testing people for coronavirus on Friday, and within a week their number will grow to nine, with around 10,000 tests expected to be carried out daily, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said.

"We have received authorization and have tested, together with Rospotrebnadzor [Russia's Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing], our biggest city laboratories, we have delivered additional modern equipment there. Within a week, starting today, we are opening nine powerful laboratories in the city, which will be conducting around 10,000 lab tests [daily] by the end of the week," Sobyanin told reporters.

He added that private laboratories could join this effort.

According to the documents of the Moscow city administration, five PCR-laboratories in Moscow will start conducting COVID-19 tests on Friday, three more laboratories will join on Saturday. and one more laboratory in the newly-opened hospital complex in Kommunarka will start conducting tests by the end of the month.