WADA Says Retrieved 2,262 Samples From Moscow Lab, Sent Them To Lab Outside Russia

WADA Says Retrieved 2,262 Samples from Moscow Lab, Sent Them to Lab Outside Russia

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said in a statement Tuesday it had retrieved over 2,000 samples from the Moscow Laboratory and sent them to an accredited lab outside of Russia

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 30th April, 2019) The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said in a statement Tuesday it had retrieved over 2,000 samples from the Moscow Laboratory and sent them to an accredited lab outside of Russia.

"WADA can confirm that a five-person team has successfully retrieved 2,262 samples from the laboratory, which had been split into A and B samples and contained within 4,524 collection bottles. The samples have now been taken out of Moscow and are on their way to a WADA-accredited laboratory outside of Russia. Importantly, all samples targeted by I&I in advance of the mission were successfully located and extracted," it said.