German Police Union Chief Warns Of Possible Riots Like In France

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 04th July, 2023) Jochen Kopelke, head of German police union GdP, has drawn parallels between social instability in France and Germany, saying violent protests by those who feel marginalized are also possible at home.

"In Germany, too, I can imagine such riots in certain places, because in Germany, too, there has been an increase in resentment against democracy, the state and state authority," he told the Funke media group.

A growing proportion of the urban population finds itself on the losing side of integration, digitalization and the transformation of the labor market, Kopelke said.

The police shooting of a North African teenager in a Paris suburb last Tuesday reignited debates in France about systemic racism in the police force. The UN human rights commissioner urged France to address the deep issues of racism and discrimination permeating law enforcement.