UK Government Pledges To Allocate $67.5Mln To AI Development

UK Government Pledges to Allocate $67.5Mln to AI Development

The United Kingdom government said on Wednesday that it would allocate 54 million pounds ($67.5 million) to developing secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) research

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 14th June, 2023) The United Kingdom government said on Wednesday that it would allocate 54 million Pounds ($67.5 million) to developing secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) research.

"Universities across the UK are set to benefit from a substantial �54 million investment in their work to develop cutting edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology, Technology Secretary Chloe Smith announced today," the government said in a statement.

The government plans to allocate 31 million pounds, the most significant share of the funding, to the University of Southampton, which is conducting research on how to create a responsible AI system. Another 13 million pounds will be used to fund 13 projects at various universities focusing on AI's potential contribution to sustainability and resilience against natural hazards, the statement said.

Finally, 8 million pounds and 2 million pounds will be spent on research on AI application in healthcare and projects facilitating the assessment of AI technologies, respectively, the government said.

On June 7, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's office announced that the UK will host the first major global summit on AI safety in the fall to discuss AI-related risks and how to counter them through internationally coordinated action.