Creation Of Sanitary Zone In Ukraine Not Ruled Out Amid Attacks On Russia - Putin

Creation of Sanitary Zone in Ukraine Not Ruled Out Amid Attacks on Russia - Putin

If Ukrainian attacks on the Russian territory will continue, then Moscow will have to consider the issue of creating a sanitary zone in Ukraine so their missiles will not be able to reach Russian regions, President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 13th June, 2023) If Ukrainian attacks on the Russian territory will continue, then Moscow will have to consider the issue of creating a sanitary zone in Ukraine so their missiles will not be able to reach Russian regions, President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday.

"And if this continues, then we will apparently have to consider the issue - I say this very carefully - in order to create some kind of sanitary zone on the territory of Ukraine at such a distance from which it would be impossible to reach our territory," Putin said at a meeting with military correspondents.