EU To Discuss Extension Of Russia Sanctions' Renewal Term From 6 To 9 Months - Reports

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 22nd February, 2023) The European Union will discuss on Wednesday a proposal to extend the period when sanctions against Russia are in force from six to nine months, Politico reported, citing European diplomats.

Currently, the sanctions have to be renewed every six months by EU members.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban opposed the previous proposal that included a prolongation of sanctions for up to 12 months, the sources told the news outlet, adding that EU members would now discuss a compromise providing for a 9-month renewal period.

Politico floated the idea that the shorter extension period would give Orban more frequent opportunities to demand concessions from Brussels.

Earlier in the day, the newspaper reported that Hungary insisted on the exclusion of four people from the sanctions list.

EU permanent representatives are scheduled to discuss and, possibly, agree on the 10th sanctions package against Russia later in the day. If the new measures are unanimously approved by all 27 EU states, the package will be considered approved, which will be the final technical step for registration.

On February 15, the European Commission proposed a 10th sanctions package against Russia worth around $11.8 billion, which will target "industrial goods that Russia needs and cannot get through backfilling by third countries" and, among other things, "goods for the construction sector which can be directed to Russia's military." Besides, the new sanctions list will include about 100 new Russian individuals and entities.