Beijing Urges Germany, Other States To Ensure Fair, Open Market Environment

Beijing Urges Germany, Other States to Ensure Fair, Open Market Environment

All countries, including Germany, should ensure fair and open market environment for the normal operation of Chinese enterprises and not engage in protectionism under the pretext of national security, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Wednesday

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 09th November, 2022) All countries, including Germany, should ensure fair and open market environment for the normal operation of Chinese enterprises and not engage in protectionism under the pretext of national security, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Wednesday.

Earlier on Wednesday, the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action banned the acquisition of the Elmos chip factory in the German city of Dortmund by the Chinese company Sai Microelectronics via a subsidiary, Silex Microsystems AB, located in Sweden. The deal would endanger technological and economic sovereignty of Germany, the ministry said, adding that Berlin remained open for investment.

"We hope Germany and other countries will provide a fair, open and non-discriminatory market environment for Chinese companies doing business there, and refrain from politicizing normal economic and trade cooperation, still less using national security as a pretext to practice protectionism," the spokesman told a briefing.

The diplomat also said that Beijing has always encouraged Chinese enterprises to develop mutually beneficial investment cooperation abroad in accordance with trade principles and international rules, as well as on the basis of compliance with local laws.

On November 2, the German newspaper Handelsblatt reported that the German Economy Ministry was considering selling the company and was expected to make a final decision in several weeks. On Monday, Elmos said that the German government might not approve the deal.