Libya's Presidential Council To Initiate Postponement Of Presidential Election - Source

CAIRO (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 23rd December, 2021) The Libyan Presidential Council will soon announce an initiative to postpone the presidential election in the country under UN auspices; the council's head, Mohamed Menfi, has already discussed the issue with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Sisi, an informed Libyan source told Sputnik.

The Libyan High Election Commission on Wednesday proposed to parliament to postpone the presidential election, which was to be held on Friday, to January 24, 2022. The Commission noted that it was technically ready to hold the vote, however, due to "force majeure," it was unable to timely announce the final list of candidates allowed to run for presidency.

"This is a Libyan initiative under the auspices of the UN to postpone the elections, which will be announced by the presidential council or someone who speaks on its behalf," the source said.

The source did not specify the exact date of the announcement of the initiative, but noted that on December 24, a speech by a representative of the presidential council on this issue should take place.

According to the source, Menfi discussed the initiative with the Egyptian president during an unpublished visit to Cairo on Tuesday.

"Egypt was the first country that Menfi visited, but trips to neighboring countries will continue so that this initiative will receive their support after its official announcement," the source explained.

The source noted that the presidential council would continue to work after Friday.

"There is no such law that prevents the work of the presidential council before the elections take place, this is in line with the decisions of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum," the source said.

"The work of the council will certainly be extended, since the function of the council is to overcome disunity and bring Libya to safe territory through presidential election," the source said.