Three-Quarters Of Ukrainians Think Country Moving In Wrong Direction - Poll

Three-Quarters of Ukrainians Think Country Moving in Wrong Direction - Poll

Nearly three quarters of Ukrainian citizens believe that their country is moving in the wrong direction, a fresh survey by Ukraine's governmental polling organization Rating showed on Thursday

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 04th February, 2021) Nearly three quarters of Ukrainian citizens believe that their country is moving in the wrong direction, a fresh survey by Ukraine's governmental polling organization Rating showed on Thursday.

"The results of the survey conducted by sociological group Rating showed that 73 percent of Ukrainians believe that the country is moving in the wrong direction, 17 percent in the right [direction] and 10 percent were unable to give a definite answer," the pollster said.

The findings also showed that 30 percent of respondents expected the year 2021 to be better than the previous one, 31 percent felt the opposite, 34 percent did not expect any changes, while 5 percent were unable to give a definite answer.

The survey was conducted from February 2-3 among 2,000 respondents across the country via telephone interviews and has a margin of error of up to 2.2 percentage points.