Lahore,(Pakistan Point News - 28 July,2016) :Zulfiqar accused of smuggling drug in Indonesia is near to be hanged in Indonesia.His family is protesting in front of Punjab Assembly.They told that Govt. of Pakistan is not taking initiatives for his release. Zulfiqar had been sentenced to death by a court in Indonesia while few hours were left in his execution. Indonesian officials arranged the last meeting between Zulfiqar and his family members including his mother.
The Indian citizen who accused Zulfiqar of drug smuggling took his allegation back but his sentence of execution had not been taken back.The family members’ of the affected complained that Pakistani government had not been making firm decisions and taking rigid initiatives in this regard. However, the government needed to act effectively and timely if a Pakistani citizen was falsely accused in another country.The members’, before last few hours of Zulfiqar’s execution, reached and protested outside Punjab assembly. On the other hand, Foreign Ministry stated that government had been trying to re-open the case.Sources said that the Pakitani ambassador in Indonesia would put a plea for him to Indonesian President.