(Pakistan Point News - 22th june, 2016) : A security researcher and ‘ethical’ hacker from Lahore At the young age of 14 only recently discovered that Google had invited him into their hall of fame for highlighting several security loop holes in one of Google’s procurement.Shahzad has also bring a number of security vulnerabilities of Apple to their attention ,besides Google, in regard of which he was priviliged by the mention of his name in their hall of fame twice.
On enquiring about his knowledge about hacking and software security at such a young age, he cited his childhood incident, “At a very young age I had an internet facility, and one day my father’s email account got hacked. That was the time when I heard the word ‘hack’ for the very first time. I promised my dad to bring that account back, I couldn’t do that but this was an excuse for me to get introduced to a whole new world”.He works as an ethical hacker with a job of exploring certain vulnerabilities in various software programs helping them to make them secure enough.
When asked about other computer-related fields, Shahzad said, “I’m good with Web applications and I’ve been doing some freelancing projects for PHP but, I realised that I should pursue what I love to do and keep doing that”.I would conclude with the inspiring message of shehzad when he said, “Don’t go for money but instead go for learning first, as money could buy a bed, but it won’t buy sleep".