Karachi, (Pakistan Point News – 2nd August, 2016) : Rangers recovered 4 sacks full of arms and 2 bullet-proof vests from the residential buildings during a targeted operation in Liaqatabad, Karachi while 4 suspects have been taken into custody. Rangers' began efficient and successful operations soon after getting the special powers. A targeted operation was conducted in the residential area of Liaqatabad in Karachi in which there were 10 masked Rangers officers in 12 cars. Rangers searched the houses in the surrounding residential building. They found 4 suspects, 2 bullet-proof jackets and weapons hidden in 4 different types of bags during the search.
Rangers Conducted A Targeted Operation In Liqatabad In Karachi, 4 Sacks Of Weapon Recovered
Syeda Siddra Sumreen Zahra (@syeda_siddra) 9 years ago