Beijing, (Pakistan Point News – 22nd July, 2016) : It is said that ‘Whom God keeps, no frost can kill’; incident occurred in Beijing, China, was an astonishing example of this proverb. A child was declared dead, wakes up crying. A premature baby was born in the Chinese city Jinhua and was kept on artificial respiration for 23 days due to problem of premature birth. The infant's health deteriorated again, two days after going home, when his father took him to the hospital again where doctors declared him dead due to absence of heartbeat.
Baby was transferred to the hospital’s morgue, but after a few days something happened which shocked the parents and the doctors were speechless. The baby started to breathe when taken out of the morgue for the funeral ceremony. His parents were very thankful to God when they found their baby was alive. Doctors said that this incident was a miracle.