Using Mobile Phone Not Allowed During Itikaf: Mufti Naeem


Using mobile phone not allowed during Itikaf: Mufti Naeem

The Muslims observing Itikaf sit in seclusion in mosques and worship till the sighting of Shawwal moon.

Lahore (Pakistan Point News – 28th May, 2019) Renowned religious scholar and founder of Jamia Binoria, Mufti Naeem has warned that using mobile phone during Itikaf will break it.

Speaking at a tv show, he stressed that keeping mobile phone while on Itikar breaks it as people are still connected to “worldly affairs”.

The Muslims observing Itikaf sit in seclusion in mosques and worship till the sighting of Shawwal moon. During this period, they offer special prayers to seek the blessings and mercy of the Allah Almighty.

However, Mufti Naeem said that if people are constantly using phone and connected to the world, they are only wasting their worship.

The religious scholar went on to say that observing Itikaf has become a fashion, and people are not guided properly about it.

He informed that leaving the mosque is also not allowed during Itikaf but there is an exemption for a short period if there is something very important.

Mufti Naeem guided that it becomes compulsory or Wajib for someone to observe Itikaf next year if it is broken.

Muslim men sat in Itikaf on Sunday in all the major mosques across the country to seek forgiveness of their sins, while the Muslim women will to observe Itikaf in their respective homes.

According to the sayings of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) the Prophet himself observed Itikaf and directed his followers to do so for seeking the 'Lailat-ul-Qadar in the last ten days of Ramzan.

Mahnoor Sheikh

The writer is News Editor, Pakistan Point. She has graduated in Mass Communication and has worked in various media houses