Attorney General Orders Arrest Of Man Over Abusive Social Media Video

Attorney General orders arrest of man over abusive social media video

The Attorney General has ordered the arrest of a man who posted an offensive video on social media showing him forcing a group of Asians to cheer for the UAE national football team ahead of their match with India

ABU DHABI, (Pakistan Point News - 11th Jan, 2019) The Attorney General has ordered the arrest of a man who posted an offensive video on social media showing him forcing a group of Asians to cheer for the UAE national football team ahead of their match with India.

The Office of the Attorney General said in a statement released today that the order was issued after taking all legal steps, given that such conduct is deemed illegal in the UAE and against the values of tolerance upheld by the Emirati society that makes no distinction between people under the principles of equal opportunities.

The man posted a video showing him ordering a group of Asian people who he had locked in a cage to say that they support the UAE team in its match against India.