Xi Calls On World States To Resist Trade Protectionism, Unilateral Actions Policy Together

SHANGHAI (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 05th November, 2018) �Chinese President Xi Jinping called on the international community on Monday to resist trade protectionism and policy of unilateral actions together, avoiding confrontation.

"It is important that all the countries stay open and expand the space for mutually beneficial cooperation, as openness brings progress, while isolation results in underdevelopment ... Countries should stand up against trade protectionism and the policy of unilateral actions, and try to increase the level of openness at the multilateral and the bilateral levels," Xi said at the opening of the first China International Import Expo (CIIE).

He said that the interdependence of economical and social prosperity was currently increasing amid the rapidly changing international setup.

According to Xi, cooperation is necessary for facing current challenges and threats.

"As the global economy sees profound changes, protectionism and the unilateral actions policy are gaining momentum again, and the multilateralism and the multilateral trade system are menaced, since risks and challenges are constantly increasing," he said.

The CIIE, hosted by the Chinese Commerce Ministry and Shanghai Municipal People's Government, will last through November 10. The event will be attended by government officials, business officials, exhibitors and professional buyers from across the world. Over 2,800 companies are set to participate in the CIIE.