Brussels, (Pakistan Point News - 14th July, 2016) : EU court adviser has suggested the illegal to terminate Muslim woman on wearing the headscarf in France. EU court's legal adviser Advocate General Eleanor Sharpston advocates the woman while saying “considers that a company policy requiring an employee to remove her Islamic headscarf when in contact with clients constitutes unlawful direct discrimination.” Asma Bougnaoui, who was a designer engineer in an information technology (IT) company in France, she was fired for denying to take her scarf off, she reached the French court to take her case.
Afterwards French court referred the case to the European court of Justice (ECJ). Eleanor Sharpston, legal adviser Advocate General argued that there is no dress code for the job in France and no such restrictions have been decided for Muslims. He said company can implement dress code only for a legitimate purpose. The European Court of Justice's legal advisor’s opinion is important to the final outcome of the trial. Wearing of religious clothing of civil servants in France is banned but for those working in the private sector has not any legal restriction