Bridging The Digital Divide: How 5G Technology Can Drive Sustainable Development In Pakistan

Muhammad Farhan Khan

Assistant Director (Strategy & Development)

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority

WTISD 2024 celebrates the power of digital innovation in advancing sustainable development and prosperity for all. We at Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) aim to raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) can bring to societies and economies, as well as ways to bridge the digital divide. This year's theme highlights how technological advancements can bridge the digital divide and contribute to a more sustainable & smart future. PTA is taking enabling steps to usher in era of 5G. Introduction of latest technologies including 5G, IoTs, satellite broadband etc promises to revolutionize digital connectivity and interaction, offering ultra-fast download and streaming speeds, minimal latency for real-time applications, and the capability to connect numerous devices simultaneously. 5G technology can increase access to digital services, promoting financial inclusion, e-learning, and telemedicine. 5G networks are more energy efficient supporting sustainable development.

5G being a game changer for sustainable development of the country requires collaborative efforts of all stakeholders, including the federal government, relevant regulatory bodies, telecom sector, academia and industries. Furthermore, telecom operators are gearing up for this transformative journey by upgrading their infrastructure and conducting extensive testing. Concurrently, PTA is dedicated to overseeing substantial infrastructure upgrades to support the deployment of 5G networks across the country.

Acknowledging the immense potential of 5G to drive innovation, economic growth, and digital inclusion, PTA is committed to addressing the challenges that are ahead. PTA is focused on developing essential enabling regulatory frameworks for increased investment opportunities and enhancing ease of doing business to expedite the deployment of 5G technology nationwide.

PTA is in process of engaging the services of a consultant to actively collaborate with all stakeholders. This inclusive collaborative effort will lead to policy reforms and an investment friendly auction design. By implementing these measures, PTA aims to ensure that the transformative potential of 5G technology is fully realized in Pakistan, paving the way for a digitally empowered future. WTISD serves as a powerful reminder of the impact our work has on creating Digital Pakistan, and to ensure that the transformative power of information and communication technologies reaches every corner of the country. Today, let us reflect on the progress we have made and our commitment to reach to all segments of the society.