UHS To Issue MBBS Degrees Within Three Months After Final Result


UHS to issue MBBS degrees within three months after final result

The syndicate meeting with VC Prof. Ahsan Waheed Ratjore agrees to imprint “On Court Orders” on degrees and transcripts resulting from judicial rulings.

LAHORE: (UrduPoint/Pakistan Point News-April 24th, 2024) The 79th Syndicate meeting of the University of Health Sciences (UHS) was held on Wednesday under the chairmanship of Vice Chancellor Prof. Ahsan Waheed Rathore in which it was decided to expedite the issuance of degrees within three months of the final examination results, aiming to reduce waiting times for candidates.

Additionally, it was resolved to streamline the degree preparation process, ensuring efficiency.

Furthermore, it was agreed to imprint “On Court Orders” on degrees and transcripts resulting from judicial rulings. The syndicate also endorsed the UHS Revised Service Statutes 2024. Following the establishment of UHS College of Pharmacy, it was decided that a public notice would be issued to facilitate the affiliation of pharmacy colleges allowing eligible institutions within Punjab’s geographical confines to apply for affiliation under the provisions of the UHS Ordinance 2002.

The syndicate approved the commencement of a 4-year BS Generic Nursing degree program at UHS, to be offered at the Jinnah campus. Currently, 79 nursing institutes are affiliated with the university. The members were apprised that private candidates seeking admission to the MS Nursing program at the university would be required to complete three years of post-degree teaching service. They may either pay the full program fee or commit to teaching at UHS for three years after graduation, in the form of a surety bond, exempting them from fees.

Furthermore, the meeting sanctioned the creation of various administrative positions. Those present included VC Fatima Jinnah Medical University Prof. Khalid Masood Gondal, Pro VC UHS Prof. Nadia Naseem, Principal Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur Prof. Soufia Farrukh, Prof. Arshad Cheema, Dr. Zahid Pervaiz, Prof. Sidrah Saleem, Prof. Sarah Ghafoor, Dr. Muhammad Abbas, Professor Maryam Malik, Professor Samina Kausar and additional secretaries of Punjab Specialized Healthcare department and Finance department.

Abdullah Hussain

Abdullah Hussain is a staff member who writes on politics, human rights, social issues and climate change.