MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 09th March, 2023) The delivery of the first eight cars, confiscated from drunk drivers in Latvia, has been sent to Ukraine in aid, Latvian news portal Delfi reported on Wednesday, citing Latvia's State Revenue Service.
According to the report, the vehicles were handed over to the Agendum movement of activists on Wednesday for further delivery to Ukraine's forces. The cars will be transferred to the army units of Ukraine, the regional hospital in the Vinnytsia region, and the Territorial Medical Association of the Kupyansk District Council, the report said.
The delivery included vehicles manufactured by Honda, Toyota, Volvo, Volkswagen, and Opel from 1999 to 2011, and the total preliminary cost of the vehicles was estimated at 18,500 Euros ($19,500).
In 2022, Latvia's parliament made amendments to the law on supporting Ukraine, which allowed for the donation of vehicles confiscated from drunk drivers in Latvia to Kiev. According to the amendments, drunk drivers have their cars confiscated if they have more than 1.5 ppm of alcohol or traces of drugs in their blood or if the drivers refuse to test for alcohol and drugs.