Farooq Sattar Condemned The Sabri's Murder Accussations On MQM


Farooq Sattar condemned the Sabri's murder accussations on MQM

KARACHI, (Pakistan Point News - 22th june, 2016) : The Senior Deputy Convener of Coordination Committee Dr Farooq Sattar expressed his views about the MQM being prominently accused of the deadly killing of Amjad Sabri. Dr. farooq sattar showed his doubts over the ongoing Karachi operation while addressing the press conference at Khursheed Begum Secretariat, Azizabad, Dr Farooq Sattar said that the 'kidnapping of Awais Shah Advocate son of Chief Justice Sindh Syed Sajjad Shah, targeted-killing of an Ahmedi doctor, activities of exaction mafia and new wave of street crimes in the city has again put a question mark on the army/rangers activities.

He complained that Karachi has never received a relief package like ither cities where the operations have been held. He also said that authorities always come to a decision of imposing another operation in Karachi whenever they have a dialogue over the issue.He claimed that no investigation was carried on and no information regarding the case of protective killing of MQM worker and his political Coordinator Aftab Ahmed was gathered. Even the notice of army chief couldn't make any difference.