Dog owner Paige Olsen who lives in Oregon, USA, said that Lou is a black and tan coonhound and all of them should have ears that extend at least to the tip of their nose.
New York: (UrduPoint/Pakistan Point News-Sept 24th, 2021) Lou, a three-year old dog, has made it into this year’s Guinness World Record due to the longest ears.
Taking to its official website, Guinness World Record wrote, three-year old Lou is a black and tan coonhound. It also called it sweet, sassy and smart pup.
The Guinness World Record in its 2022 edition of annual publication also carried the Names of world record-breakers.
According to the website, each of Lou’s ears measure 13.38 inches.
Dog owner Paige Olsen who lives in Oregon, USA, said that Lou is a black and tan coonhound and all of them should have ears that extend at least to the tip of their nose.
“All black and tan coonhounds have beautiful long ears, some are just longer than others,” said Olsen.
She further said, “The ears of Lou falls on the ground and stir up scents when they are going somewhere in the field,”.
Olsen also added that other breeds of dog may not follow the long, very cold or cold tracks these black and tan coonhound follow.
The ears of the Lour are checked once a month for cleanliness and an ear warmer is used to keep the pup’s ears from dragging in the snow in every winter.