Punjab CM Usman Buzdar Falls Ill, Abandons Official Duties


Punjab CM Usman Buzdar falls ill, abandons official duties

The doctors have suggested him rest after tiring work at Punjab CM office day and night.

LAHORE: (UrduPoint/Pakisan Point News--Dec 21st, 2020) Punjab Chief Minsiter fell ill who abandoned his political and official duties, the sources said on Monday.

The doctors suggested him to do rest after tiring work at Punjab Chief Minister office, the sources seeking anonymity said.

The Punjab CM abandoned all his political and official duties and went home.

The sources said that reason did not appear as how and why he fell ill but he quarantined himself on advice of the doctors.

They said that the doctor conducted his COVID-19 test at the Punjab Chief Minister House but no symptoms were found.

(More to Come)

Fida Hussnain

Fida Hussnain is a lahore based journalist. He writes on politics, religion, social issues and climate change. He is also a research fellow at University of Gujrat.