ADFD, Colombia officials explore cooperation opportunities

ABU DHABI, (Pakistan Point News - 10th Jun, 2020) Means to advance cooperation opportunities between the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, ADFD, and Colombia were recently discussed over a virtual meeting.

Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi, Director General of Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, ADFD, held a video conference with Marta Lucia Ramirez, Vice President of Colombia, where both parties focused discussions on relations between the UAE and Colombia and ways to enhance them.

Attended by Salem Rashid Al Owais, UAE’s Ambassador to Colombia; and Jaime Amin, Ambassador of Colombia to the UAE, the meeting also highlighted the prospects of expansion of collaboration in terms of investment and development that serves mutual interests.

Underlining ADFD’s role in promoting sustainable development in Colombia through various projects, Al Suwaidi said, "This meeting is an ideal opportunity to expand the avenues of cooperation between the UAE and Columbia. In working closely with Columbia, we aim to accelerate sustainable growth, develop innovative solutions and give a strong momentum for development cooperation to better serve our mutual interests.


Ramirez expressed gratitude for the UAE and ADFD for extending support to her country amid a battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. She commended ADFD’s leading role in promoting sustainable economic development in many parts of the world and expressed keenness of the government of Colombia to strengthen ties with ADFD to realise some critical projects that support the empowerment of women and youth in the country.

ADFD and the Colombian Presidential Agency of International Cooperation (APC-Colombia) had signed an MoU in 2017, whereby the former pledged an AED165 million (US$45 million) grant to fund many of Colombia’s development projects. They include eight early childhood centre set up on a budget of AED39 million, education and health centres, as well as small and medium projects across the country that will create jobs for local communities and improve their living standards.

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