Russian Scientists Develop Method of Encrypting Data of Smart Devices - University

Russian scientists have developed a system for encrypting and storing the data of smart devices to protect the information they transmit from being hacked, South Ural State University said on Friday

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 15th May, 2020) Russian scientists have developed a system for encrypting and storing the data of smart devices to protect the information they transmit from being hacked, South Ural State University said on Friday.

According to the university, the process of communication between smart devices has a high risk of the data being intercepted by intruders. For example, a smart electrical energy meter can transmit information when the lights in a house are turned on and off. After analyzing the information, a hacker can calculate the time at which the owners are absent, and break into the apartment.

"Threats can be larger and more serious, so specialists are working on designing a reliable IoT [internet of things - a system of interrelated devices able to transfer data over a network] infrastructure. It should prevent the loss of information, a system crash, prevent a data breach � all that is difficult to predict in advance.

To achieve this goal, an international team of scientists has proposed its own option for encrypting and storing data from the so-called internet of things devices," the statement read.

Instead of collecting all the data in one cloud, the proposed encryption scheme will allow placing parts of the data in different storage clouds belonging to different owners. Therefore, if a part of the data is intercepted, a hacker will not be able to obtain the information from the other part. In addition, if some of the data is completely lost as a result of a breakdown, the scheme will restore data from what was sent to the other storage clouds.

In further studies, scientists intend to test the scheme under conditions of inactivity, breakdowns and changes in parameters.

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