Ukraine Confirms 483 New COVID-19 Cases, 20 Deaths Over Past 24 Hours - Health Minister

The number of people with the new coronavirus infection in Ukraine has reached 17,330 as health authorities have confirmed 483 new cases over the past 24 hours, mostly in the country's north, Ukrainian Health Minister Maksym Stepanov said on Friday

KIEV (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 15th May, 2020) The number of people with the new coronavirus infection in Ukraine has reached 17,330 as health authorities have confirmed 483 new cases over the past 24 hours, mostly in the country's north, Ukrainian Health Minister Maksym Stepanov said on Friday.

"Over the past day, 483 people fell ill, including 48 children and 142 health workers. We have hospitalized 168 people. New fatalities count 20, while recoveries count 330 patients. In general, over the entire period of the pandemic in Ukraine, 17,330 people fell ill, including 1,220 children and 3,420 health workers," Stepanov said at a briefing.

Of the newly confirmed 483 cases, 84 were detected in the northern Chernihiv region, 47 in the northwestern Volyn region, and 56 in the capital city of Kiev, also in the country's north.

Total recoveries in Ukraine count 4,473 patients, according to Stepanov.

�In Georgia, the cumulative number of confirmed coronavirus cases has increased from 665 to 671 in the 24-hour period to Friday, the government's COVID-19 monitoring service said on its website.

This includes 12 fatalities, 393 recoveries, 3,873 people in quarantine, 404 people under medical surveillance and three Georgian returnees from abroad.

According to the Georgian health authorities, there are children, women, medical personnel, law enforcement and employees of the Central Bank among the infected individuals.

�Neighboring Armenia has the highest COVID-19 toll in the region so far.

Over the past 24 hours, 184 new cases have been confirmed, taking the total to 4,044, according to the Armenian government's COVID-19 response center.

The death toll has increased by three to a total of 52 fatalities, and a total of 1,666 people have recovered, as stated on the center's website.

Patients undergoing active treatment from the coronavirus infection in Armenia currently count 2,304.

The country has so far conducted 37,476 tests.

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