25 Malian Servicemen Killed as Militants Defeated on Border With Burkina Faso - Ministry

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 02nd October, 2019) At least 25 Malian military servicemen were killed and several were injured in clashes with militants close to the border with Burkina Faso, the Malian government has announced.

"In the ranks of the FAMa [Malian armed forces] the provisional report shows twenty-five (25) dead, four (04) wounded, evacuated by FAMa aircraft," the Malian Communications Ministry said in an official statement on Monday.

According to the release, militants attacked two military posts, at Boulkessi and Mondoro, which is near the border with Burkina Faso, on Monday.

On Tuesday, the Boulkessi post was recaptured by FAMa.

According to the Malian Communications Ministry, at least 15 militants were killed and five vehicles were destroyed by air strikes carried out to recapture the Boulkessi post.

Mali and Burkina Faso forces have launched a joint military operation in order to "neutralize" the militants, the Malian Communications Ministry said.

In August 2014, Operation Barkhane was launched by France, Mali, Burkina Faso and a number of other regional countries to combat various militant groups active in the Sahel region in Africa.

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