Death Toll in Gasoline Tank Truck Crash in Tanzania Climbs to 95 - Reports

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 19th August, 2019) The death toll in the gasoline tank truck crash in the east of Tanzania has risen to 95, the Mwananchi newspaper reported on Sunday, citing medics.

The fuel truck overturned and caught fire in the city of Morogoro on August 10. Among those dozens killed and injured were locals who tried to collect leaking fuel. The tally of victims has since been rising daily.

In the wake of the tragedy, Tanzanian President John Magufuli declared three-day national mourning.

Saturday's reports indicated that 94 people were killed in the incident. Later, one more injured died at a local hospital, thereby bringing the death toll to 95.

At the moment, 20 people remain in the Muhimbili National Hospital. According to the hospital's spokesperson, doctors are doing everything to save their lives.

Morogoro, with a population of about 315,000 people, is located some 160 miles from Dodoma, the country's capital.

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