Russian Lower House Parliamentarians Plan to Visit Saudi Arabia July 7-10 - Lawmaker

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 26th June, 2019) A delegation of Russian State Duma lawmakers plans to visit Saudi Arabia from July 7 to 10 to strengthen inter-parliamentary cooperation between the two countries, Dmitry Novikov, first deputy chairman of the Russian lower house's Committee on International Affairs, told Sputnik on Tuesday.

"It is clear that the decision has not yet been voted [by the State Duma Council], it can be considered not adopted. But nothing prognosticates that the decision may not be made.

A rather large delegation is going," Novikov said.

According to the agenda of the State Duma Council meeting, the visit by lawmakers to Saudi Arabia is scheduled for July 7-10.

"This is ordinary inter-parliamentary cooperation. Meetings with relevant committees of parliament are planned... The delegation includes representatives of various committees, respectively, the range of discussion of those topics that will be raised at the talks in Saudi Arabia will be rather wide," Novikov said.

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