Indian Security Forces Killed Over 700 Terrorists in Country's North Since 2016 - Reports

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 26th June, 2019) Indian security forces killed at least 733 terrorists since 2016 in the country's northern state of Jammu and Kashmir, local media reported, citing India's Interior Ministry.

According to India's Union Minister of State for Home Affairs G. Kishan Reddy, as cited by the India Today news outlet, 113 terrorists have been killed in 2019 alone. Last year, Indian security forces killed 257 terrorists.

The number of terrorist attacks in the country has tripled since 2014, the news outlet added.

According to Reddy, the Indian government has adopted a "zero tolerance" policy toward terrorism.

Indian security forces perform regular counterterrorist operations in Jammu and Kashmir. Most recently, on Friday, Indian forces killed Zakir Musa, the leader of a militant group linked to al-Qaeda terrorist organization (banned in Russia) behind a series of attacks in Jammu and Kashmir. Musa, whose real name is Zakir Rashid Bhat, was one of the most wanted and dangerous terrorists in India.

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