Warehouse421 announces arts and design programme for May

ABU DHABI, (Pakistan Point News - 01st May, 2019) Warehouse421, Abu Dhabi’s creative hub for regional artists announced its art and design programme for May, which includes a variety of activations, short courses, workshops, film screenings and book readings.

The activities, designed for both adults and children, will be held between 10:00 and 15:00, and 20:00 to 23:00, during the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Al Rabi’a, that commenced on 2nd April, 2019, and will conclude on 2nd June, 2019, is an experimental, process-led space created by visual artist Shaikha Al Ketbi, an alumna of the Salama bint Hamdan Emerging Artists Fellowship.

There is a new innovative three-part short course entitled Gravity Free & Reality Independent on 8th, 15th, and 22nd May, 2019, at 21:00. The course is the brainchild of Edward Bakst, an academic instructor with a penchant for challenging the status quo, whose programmes are designed to spark self-discovery, self-expression, brainstorming, ideation and the creation of abstract conceptual designs.

On 24th May, 2019, at 21.00 there is 'A Celebration of Failure', a thought-provoking session that will explore the value of failure as a constructive part towards progress.

In a workshop, Drawing Through Recollection on 12th May, 2019, at 21.00, participants will see how the resident artist, Shaikha Al Ketbi, constructs her paintings and images.

Participants will first be asked questions to generate imagery. Al Ketbi will then demonstrate how she extracts imagery from these types of recollections and responses, enabling participants to create their own compositions using charcoal on wood.

There will be a hands-on-Henna workshop, on 16th May, 2019, at 21.00, led by the chiropractor, designer and henna artist, Dr. Azra Khamissa, that will teach the history and benefits of henna, as well as a couple of practical henna art techniques.

'Khayal' on 25th May, 2019, at Noon, a children’s series in collaboration with Early Starters continues this month. The session features a reading and discussion of 'What Do You Do With An Idea?' by Kobi Yamada, as well as a reading of 'Not A Box' by Antoinette Portis, followed by a discussion around the power of imagination.

In this month’s films, screened in partnership with Cinema Akil, are two from Japan which have been hand-picked by Shaikha Al Ketbi. The first is an animation 'Spirited Away' on 11th May, 2019, at 21.00, a surreal Alice in Wonderland-like tale about a lost little girl directed by master director Hayao Miyazaki. The second is 'The Kingdom Of Dreams And Madness' on 18th May, 2019, at 21.00, a documentary on the unique routines of the people employed at Studio Ghibli. The film screenings will be complemented with a Suhoor for the community and is free to attend.

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