Five-day weather forecast

The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) forecasts weather over the coming five days to be fair to partly cloudy in general and dusty at times, becoming partly cloudy by night

ABU DHABI, (Pakistan Point News - 25th Apr, 2019) The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) forecasts weather over the coming five days to be fair to partly cloudy in general and dusty at times, becoming partly cloudy by night.

Following is a detailed weather forecast issued by the NCM today for the coming five days: Thursday: Fair to Partly cloudy in general and dusty at times over some areas during daytime.

Wind: Fresh northwesterly, especially over the sea, with a speed of 25 – 35 km/hr, may reach 50 km/hr Sea: very rough to rough in the Arabian Gulf and rough in Oman Sea.

Wind: Moderate northwesterly, freshening at time during daytime, with a speed of 20 – 30 km/hr, may reach 40 km/hr.

Saturday: Humid by night and early morning, with a probability of mist formation over some northern and internal areas, becoming fair to partly cloudy.

Temperatures tend to rise slightly.

Wind: Light to moderate northwesterly winds, freshening at times with a speed of 18 – 30 km/hr, may reach 40 km/hr especially over the offshore areas of the sea.

Sea: Moderate to rough at times in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman Sea.

Sunday: Partly cloudy to cloudy at times over some western and coastal areas.

Wind: Light to moderate northwesterly winds, freshening at times with a speed of 20 – 30 km/hr, may reach 40 km/hr especially over the sea.

Sea: Moderate to rough at times offshore and northern areas in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman Sea.

Wind: Light to moderate northwesterly winds, freshening at times over the sea, with a speed of 20 – 30 km/hr, may reach 40 km/hr especially over the sea.

Sea: Moderate to rough at times in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman Sea.

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