Abdullah bin Zayed meets French Foreign Minister

PARIS, (Pakistan Point News - 25th Apr, 2019) H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, today met Jean-Yves Le Drian, French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, and reviewed prospects for further consolidating cooperation across various fronts, particularly in the cultural domain.


Sheikh Abdullah, now on an official visit to France, underlined the importance of the strategic relations between the two countries and the UAE's determination to advance cooperation to a higher level under the support of the two countries' leadership.

The French top diplomat shared the same view with his UAE counterpart and reaffirmed the privileged relations between the two friendly countries.

He described the UAE as a key strategic ally of France, and underscored his country's keenness to widen the scope of cooperation across various fields.

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