Over 1,500 Syrians Returned to Homeland From Abroad Over Past 24 Hours - Refugee Center

More than 1,500 Syrian refugees have returned to their home country from Jordan and Lebanon over the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for the Reception, Allocation and Accommodation of Refugees said on Saturday.

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 29th December, 2018) More than 1,500 Syrian refugees have returned to their home country from Jordan and Lebanon over the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for the Reception, Allocation and Accommodation of Refugees said on Saturday.

"Over the past 24 hours, a total of 1,561 refugees returned to the Syrian Arab Republic from foreign states: 389 people (117 women and 199 children) left Lebanon for Syria via the Jaydet-Yabus and Talkalakh checkpoints; 1172 people (352 women and 598 children) returned from Jordan via the Nassib checkpoint," the center said in its daily bulletin.

According to the bulletin, 232 internally displaced Syrians returned to the places of permanent residence over the past 24 hours.

Russia has carried out a humanitarian operation, during which local residents received 150 food sets. The Russian Chechen Republic's Akhmad Kadyrov Foundation also has held a humanitarian operation in Idlib province, delivering a tonne of bread and 100 blankets to local people.

Syrian engineering units have destroyed 28 explosive devices over past 24 hours, the center added.

The Syrian government has already launched the post-war reconstruction process and started welcoming back tens of thousands of Syrians who were forced to seek asylum in other countries. Over 74,000 refugees have returned to Syria from abroad since July 18, according to the refugee center's data.

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