Blinken Says Russia-Ukraine Conflict Will End With Diplomacy, Negotiation

WASHINGTON (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 06th December, 2022) The conflict between Russian and Ukraine will end with diplomacy and negotiation but it must be a durable and just peace, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during an interview.

"At some point, this will end, and it will end almost certainly with diplomacy, with negotiation.

But what I think we have to see is a just and durable peace, not a phony peace," Blinken told The Wall Street Journal on Monday.

The statement came in response to a question he was asked about what would allow the potential for negotiations with Russia to take place.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said Ukraine launched an attack on Russian military airfields in the Saratov and Ryazan regions with Soviet-made jet drones.

The air defense intercepted these drones, but their fragments killed three and injured four Russian servicemen, the ministry added.

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