Europe Not in Decline, Will Back Ukraine to Win War Against Russia - Czech Diplomat

WASHINGTON (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 06th December, 2022) Europe is not in decline despite the economic and energy crises afflicting the 27-nation European Union, especially its largest and wealthiest western members, a senior Czech diplomat told a meeting at the Atlantic Council.

"Europe is not in decline and we are going to win this," Czech Deputy Chief of Mission in Washington Jan Havranek said in a panel discussion on Monday.

Havranek, a former deputy minister of defense, acknowledged that the growing energy crisis following Europe's cut off of gas supplies from Russia would exact a serious toll on the populations of Europe and he also admitted that the problem would not go away or be resolved soon.

"This winter will be tough but next winter will be more (so): The next year will be decisive," Havranek said.

US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Robin Dunegan acknowledged that US and European policymakers had underestimated the continent's need for diversification in its energy resources.

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