Global Journalism Community Slams Southern Yemen Militancy's Media Takeover

The International Federation of Journalists demanded on Tuesday that the Southern Transitional Council, which controls much of southern Yemen, cede control of state-run media outlets

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 08th June, 2021) The International Federation of Journalists demanded on Tuesday that the Southern Transitional Council, which controls much of southern Yemen, cede control of state-run media outlets.

The council has recently taken over control of the Saba news agency, the Arab nation's official state news agency.

"STC must relinquish its control of the media organisation and allow journalists to work free of fear and intimidation," IFJ chief Anthony Bellanger said in a statement.

The council also seized control of the Al Thawra newspaper earlier this year, and of the14 October Newspaper in 2019.

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate said it was clear that the council, which seeks the secession of the south, wants to control official media and operate them in its favor.

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