Moscow Not Against Dialogue With NATO But Alliance Not Considering Deescalation Proposals

Moscow is not against dialogue with NATO but the alliance is not considering Russia's proposals to deescalate tensions, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko told Sputnik on Tuesday

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 08th June, 2021) Moscow is not against dialogue with NATO but the alliance is not considering Russia's proposals to deescalate tensions, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko told Sputnik on Tuesday.

On Monday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance is waiting for Russia's response to the proposal to convene a NATO-Russia Council meeting, mentioning that Moscow has not yet responded.

"First of all, we are not moving away from dialogue, and I would like to remind you that the last meeting, which took place in 2019, was held at Russia's initiative. Then we put the central issue on the agenda concerning European security how to cope with the consequences of the unilateral decision of the United States to withdraw from the INF Treaty," Grushko said.

The Russian official added that Moscow is ready to discuss issues that related to deescalation "but such a discussion can hardly be serious unless NATO decides to restore communication on the military line.


Grushko also said that it is unrealistic to expect the beginning of preparation for the Russia-NATO Council on the eve of the NATO summit scheduled for June 14.

"We cannot ignore the upcoming NATO summit. In the current conditions, it would be unrealistic to expect any substantive preparation," Grushko said, adding that currently "there is no positive agenda" in Russia-NATO relations.

The diplomat added that Russia will monitor the results of the upcoming NATO summit as it will discuss new strategic guidelines in regard to Russia.

"We, of course, will study the results of the NATO summit, especially as it was announced that 'the Russian issue'will be one of the defining ones not only in terms of developing the political relationship of the alliance, but also in terms of developing a strategic direction, including in the Russian direction," Grushko said.

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