China to Launch Cargo Spaceship Tianzhou-2 to National Space Station on Saturday

BEIJING (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 29th May, 2021) The launch of the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft to the base module of the Chinese orbital station, which was previously postponed due to technical reasons, is scheduled for 12:55 GMT Saturday, the China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMS) announced.

"The Long March-7 Y3 carrier rocket is filled with propellant. China plans to launch Tianzhou-2 at around 20:55 p.m. [12:55 p.m. GMT] on May 29," the CMS said.

The spaceship will take off from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in the southern province of Hainan.

Initially, Tianzhou-2 was supposed to deliver the cargo to the base module of the Tiangong station on May 20, but the launch was postponed for technical reasons.

On April 29, China successfully put into orbit the main module of its future orbital station Tiangong. Three taikonauts (Chinese astronauts) can be in the station at the same time. Alternatively, it can hold six people when the crews are switching shifts.

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