NASA Chief Hails 'Vital' Partnership With Russia, Offers Talks on Further Cooperation

WASHINGTON (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 29th May, 2021) NASA Administrator Bill Nelson called Russia a vital partner for the United States in space and told reporters that he expects that this "exceptional relationship" will continue.

"I think the relationship between Russia and US in space has been exceptional ever since the Soviet Union...

Russia is a vital partner to the [International] Space Station and I expect Russia to continue," Nelson said on Friday.

Nelson pointed out that NASA is looking forward to discussions with Russian counterparts about the continuation of the extraordinary relationship.

"In times when things might be a little more difficult on the face of the Earth we seemed to be getting along pretty good in space," he said.

Nelson told reporters that he plans to attend virtually a panel discussion at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum next week.

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