Seoul Regrets UN Rapporteur's Appeal to Review Ban on Cross-Border Propaganda Leaflets

The South Korean Ministry of Unification on Thursday said it regretted the UN Special Rapporteur's appeal that Seoul should reconsider the ban on distributing anti-Pyongyang leaflets over the territory of its northern neighbor

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 17th December, 2020) The South Korean Ministry of Unification on Thursday said it regretted the UN Special Rapporteur's appeal that Seoul should reconsider the ban on distributing anti-Pyongyang leaflets over the territory of its northern neighbor.

Earlier in the week, the South Korean parliament unanimously approved a bill prohibiting the launch of propaganda leaflets by balloons across the border to North Korea as a measure to protect residents of borderline areas. Commenting on the move, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in North Korea Tomas Ojea Quintana expressed hope that Seoul would review the legislation before it takes effect, as it violates the freedom of expression of activist groups.

"We express regret that Rapporteur Quintana has mentioned a need for a democratic institution to conduct appropriate review on this," the ministry's representative said, as cited by the Yonhap news agency.

According to the official, the bill was approved following democratic discussions in accordance with the procedure envisioned by the country's constitution.

"[Quintana] should see this from a balanced point of view that it has minimally restricted the way of expression of a few in order to protect the lives and safety of many residents in the border areas," the official added.

Tensions on the Korean peninsula escalated in June after North Korea was angered by a campaign of South-based defectors flying anti-Pyongyang leaflets on balloons across the border. The North threatened the South with a state-level action and even blew up the joint communications office.

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