Over 70 Percent of Russians Interested in Putin's End-of-Year News Conference - Poll

As many as 71 percent of Russian citizens have expressed interest in President Vladimir Putin's traditional end-of-year news conference scheduled for Thursday, a poll by the Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) showe

MOSCOW (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 17th December, 2020) As many as 71 percent of Russian citizens have expressed interest in President Vladimir Putin's traditional end-of-year news conference scheduled for Thursday, a poll by the Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) showed.

According to the findings, 28 percent feel the opposite.

One-third of Russians � 32 percent � said they would watch the news conference live, another 12 percent will watch only some parts of the conference live. In addition, 38 percent of Russians plan to learn about the main topic covered from news broadcasts. The remaining 18 percent said they would not follow the event.

The poll also established that 81 percent have heard of the news conference or know about it, while 18 percent said they were hearing about it for the first time.

The VTsIOM poll was conducted on December 15, with 1,600 respondents interviewed by phone. The margin of error is within 2.5 percent.

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