Opposition Candidate in Case of New Belarusian Election is Not Defined Yet - Latushko

MINSK (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 23rd August, 2020) The opposition candidate, in case if there will be a new presidential election in Belarus, is not defined yet, Pavel Latushko, a member of the coordination council of the Belarusian opposition, told Sputnik on Saturday.

"The candidate has not yet been determined, this is out of the question," Latushko said.

According to the council's member, Belarus needs to solve other issues before holding new elections, including cases of violence against citizens. Latushko added that the Supreme Court of Belarus has to consider complaints about the August 9 election before new ones can be held.

"If the supreme court makes a legal decision that there will be new elections, then we will talk about candidates and political forces," Latushko said.

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