Pompeo, EU Officials Discuss Situation in Ukraine, Post-COVID-19 Recovery - US State Dept.

WASHINGTON (Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 15th June, 2020) US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo conducted a video conference with EU High Representative Josep Borrell and the EU member states' foreign ministers to discuss the situation in Ukraine and post-COVID-19 economic revovery, State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said in a statement on Monday.

"The Secretary highlighted joint US and EU resolve to uphold Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Ortagus said.

The spokesperson noted that Pompeo and his counterparts accused Russia of engaging in "aggressive actions" in eastern Ukraine and of attempting together with China to undermine democratic societies.

"Secretary Pompeo, High Representative Borrell and the ministers discussed the importance of the Transatlantic partnership in rebuilding our economies post-COVID-19," the statement said.

Russia has repeatedly refuted accusations of being involved in the conflict in Easter Ukraine as well as of meddling into internal policies of foreign countries.

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